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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Our Top Ten Best College Football Uniforms

We are finally in the month of September which in this household means FOOTBALL!  To commemorate this time of year for sports we have decided to collaborate on some top ten lists.  I know I love reading anything that says "Top 10..." in it's title so why not do one of our own.  For our first one we will be putting together a "Top Ten Best College Football Uniforms", granted this will be a subjective list according to our opinions, but I'd like to think that we have good taste and some fashion sense.  These won't be in any order of best to worst, just the ten uniforms we think look the best.

1. Florida States Home Uniforms
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What we like about them: The color scheme and the Native American patterns that the uniform embraces.

2. Texas Away Uniforms
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What we like about them: The Texas logo in general is a great, classic logo.  Add in the all white and we got storm trooper status.

3. USC Home Uniforms

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What we like about them: Classic uniforms from the best football program ever,  Also to clarify, when we say USC we are referring to the University of Southern California, not the University of South Carolina like some of our Southern friends would have you believe.

4. Notre Dame Home Uniforms

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What we like about them:  Again, a classic uniform, a very recognizable look, and who didn't love "Rudy".  Also the golden helmets to really cement the looks.

5. Michigan Home Uniforms

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What we like about them: Best Football Helmets Period. Another classic look for their uniforms.  Somewhere Tim Allen is man grunting while wearing his Michigan sweatshirt.

6. Navy Uniform

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What we like about them:  The uniform represents the school very well.  And that helmet.

7. LSU Home Uniform

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What we like about them: We don't really have anything to say about them, we just like them.  They wear white jerseys for home games.

8. BYU Royal Blue Uniforms

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What we like about them: Other than the obvious bias because we are BYU fans, we love the color scheme of the royal blue and white.  Also we are huge fans of the vintage BYU logo.

9. UNC Home Uniforms

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What we like about them: Again, we are also UNC fans.  We love the look of the Carolina Blue top (that's right, the color is named after the school) with the white pants.  Then if that look wasn't classic enough, add on the argyle pattern down the side of the pants and we've got ourselves a solid uniform.  ***Note: They actually had some pretty subpar uniforms for a while.  Daniel was happy that the new uniforms are what he had imagined they always should have been.***

10. Oregon Rose Bowl Uniforms from 2015

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What we like about them: For once these uniforms actually represented the school well.  It embodied the school colors while integrating the Duck mascot into their look.

Honorable Mention for Worst Uniform: Oregon National Title Game Uniform from 2015 getting destroyed by a team with another classic uniform

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What we disliked about them: It's funny how a team can go from having it's best uniform ever for one game, go to it's worst uniform ever for the very next game (that was for the national title).  This was a huge miss for Oregon.  Here is this football team representing their school for the whole United States, maybe even world and they messed up.  They decided to go all white with gray.  No school colors whatsoever.  It had no school pride. Pretty much The University of Nike.